Ok, so we have had a request to talk about how to figure out what a proper portion is and how do you weigh your food. Lets start with portions. I know for myself that I use to make my portions too big, even though it was a healthy choice I was making the portion was still too big for what I needed. So here are some points to help you figure out what is right for your body:

Portions are all dependent on calorie intake- so this is going to be different between one person to the next. So an easy way to find out how many calories you need for losing weight, maintaining weight or even gaining weight is simple. There are tons of iphone apps related to fitness or just a simple search on the internet. Here is an example of a quick calorie calculator. http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
2. Size of the Portion- So to make sure we aren't over eating we need to have proper portions. With a lot of foods the proper portions are right on the nutritional info section. Yes you do actually have to read that stuff sometimes! 
So here is my almond milk carton. So one single portion or serving is 1 cup worth 40 calories. So what I do throughout the day to make sure my calories are in check is I start with my approx 1600 calories and for everything that I want to eat I enter in those food and calories into my iphone app, or you can keep a food journal and just write down the calories you are eating, and for the foods that don't come with the nurtrional info on it like meats, veggies, I weigh them and then do a simple search on the food app or you can google online "calories in chicken", "calories in cucumber" etc.. to determine how many calories are in that food for lets say 50 grams of veggies or 100 grams of chicken for my dinner. Here is a link to help you visualize what a proper size portion is http://www.livestrong.com/article/256304-how-to-calculate-portion-size/

Weighing your food is simple and easy with a food scale. Here is an example of my banana that I eat this morning.
So I first weighed the banana on my food scale (you can get a scale at Canadian Tire, Walmart, anywhere that has a kitchen section) as you can see from the picture the banana weighed 119 grams, so I entered that into my food app and for 119 grams of banana that was 107 calories taken away from my daily 1600. Thats all I do to make sure I stay on track with my calories and I'm not over eating, give it a try and let me know if you have anymore questions or if I didn't explain something properly, you can email us using the little envelope tab top right on the homepage! 

12/26/2012 11:53:10 am

Hey Meg!

What app is it you use for your food?


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